Chinese Professional Club

Contribution Options


Permanent endowment of not less than $50,000 can be set up in the donor’s name. Interest earned from the endowment is used to fund scholarships as designated by the donor in accordance with the scholarship guidelines. It can be used to award either merit scholarships or financial aid scholarships.



One-time donations of any amount can be made to the scholarship fund. Please send your contributions via Zelle to


Sponsorship of Scholarship Gala

Sponsor’s Table at the following levels includes a table of 10 at the annual Scholarship Gala:





Advertisement rates in the Scholarship Gala program are as follows:

$500 for the inside back cover

$200 for full page

$100 for half page

$ 60 for a quarter page/business card

$ 20 for non-camera fee


Donations of products or services for the Scholarship Gala auction or door prizes are
also welcome.